Abstract submission

Deadline for abstracts submission - 24th August 2024

We accept abstracts in Czech, Slovak and English. The language of abstract must correspond with the language of presentation - thus, we accept English abstracts only for contributions that will be presented in English.

Please, fill the abstracts written in Czech into the Czech submission form (see the link below) and English abstracts into the English submission form (so that the headings of the paragraphs and the text are in the same language).

Note: * - mandatory data

Title* (max. 150 characters incl. space, IN UPPERCASE)

Presenting author*
 Surname  First name

Complete collective of authors* (we suppose student to be the first and presenting author - FILL YOUR NAME AGAIN INTO THIS BOX!).
Format: last name, initial of first name, affiliation number in parentheses, e.g.:
Novak A.(1), Leon C.(1,2) and Ryan K.(3)

Affiliation* (for each author, one author can get more affiliations)
1 - 1st Department of Paediatrics, UH Praha, 2 - 2nd Department of Paediatrics, UH Praha, 3 - Department of Neurology, Hospital Brno

Author's E-mail*

Author: *   is pregraduate student   is postgraduate student   is not student

Supervisor* (incl. titles)

Supervisor's E-mail*

“Running title” * (max. 60 characters incl. spaces)
The aim is to capture and attract as much audience to your talk as possible - thus, do not be afraid of provocative or entertaining titles.

Abstract (total max. 2500 characters incl. space)
Please respect the text structure, total character count is shown in the bottom. Fill the field VI. - Support only to acknowledge Grant or Company support.
In case your abstract contains a table or a graph, please, fill the text (without the table/picture) into this form and send the whole abstract including the table/picture again to in MS-Word format.

Important information
Abstract must include original results reached by the author. Please try to avoid general formulations like „will be discussed“, or „we will demonstrate“ and please always mention the number of reported patients, samples and specific results.
In „Conclusions“ summarize importance originality, significance of the work. Please note that this is multi-disciplinary conference and therefore both abstract and the presentation should be comprehensible even for „non-expert“ public.

Preferred type of presentation - Oral presentation      Poster

Characters remaining: 2550

I. - Introduction*

Character count: 0

II. - Aims*

Character count: 0

III. - Materials and Methods*

Character count: 0

IV. - Results*

Character count: 0

V. - Conclusions*

Character count: 0

VI. - Support

Character count: 0

Characters remaining: 2550


Please check inserted data on next page


Poslední aktualizace: / Odpovědná osoba: Aleš Lukš